This Book Will Teach You How To Write Better

Good writing serves the reader, not the writer. It isn't self-indulgent. — Ann Handley, from the book Everybody Writes

Learn how to make it easier to write anything$3.9930 minutes

American businesses spend 6% of total wages working on getting meaning out of poorly written material. That is a whopping $396 billion per year 😲

For example, if your company has 20 employees earning $55,000 each who spend half their work time writing, improved writing skills could save $137,500. Damn 🤯 that is a lot of saving, right?

But, how does it sound to you if you can improve your writing skill by just reading a book that is 54 pages from cover to cover?

Because you are short on time, get this short read book, apply the principles and become a legend in less than 30 minutes.

Deal or no deal?


#1. Buy this book

Here is the book => This Book Will Teach You How To Write Better


#2. Read it in one go

  • You will learn a widely used and proved writing technique called AIDA.

If you closely observe, I pulled the AIDA trigger on you right at the beginning of this article.

1) I grabbed your Attention with this hook 👇

American businesses spend 6% of total wages working on getting meaning out of poorly written material. That is a whopping $396 billion per year.

2. The next step is to generate Interest 👇

For example, if your company has 20 employees earning $55,000 each who spend half their work time writing, improved writing skills could save $137,500. Damn, 🤯 that is a lot of saving, right?

3. Time to invoke the Desire trigger on you 👇

But, how does it sound to you if you can improve your writing skill by just reading a book that is 54 pages from cover to cover?

4. Finally, Action 👇

Because you are short on time, get this short read book, apply the principles and become a legend in less than 30 minutes. Deal or no deal?

The biggest lesson I learned is not to talk about myself. Talk about the other person. Be genuinely curious about your prospective customer.


#3. Implement in your copywriting

Write every day. For example, I write every day. Yes, every day. I read just 5 pages a day and then write a small summary.

I started writing succinctly.

My current streak is 366 days in a row. But it's not about me. I will let you go and grab the book.

May writing Gods shine upon you 😉


✅ 1. Become an instant copywriting expert.
✅ 2. You will learn a widely used and proved writing technique called AIDA.
✅ 3. Begin absorbing these mind-hacks and formulas laid out in the book. Apply them to your writing.

Here is the book link for one final time. It literally costs you less than a Starbucks coffee. Go ahead and pull the card.